Friday, January 7, 2011


All I have to say is, really??

What else can go wrong?  I am doing everything that I can.  With this latest news that no, I did not get the job with Schools CU, just reaffirms that it is going to be a lot harder than I thought if I do not want to be tied to a phone.

OR, I need to get my butt in gear and finish my book.  I have been dreaming about my characters.  It is like they want to come out.  They need to rip through so that when I am sitting at the computer, instead of facebook, I am in word hammering out their story. 

I want to scream at them sometimes, they think I know where the road is going but they have to tell me.  Give me a hint.

I so did not want to make this a post about my book, but, I guess it needed to be a little about that and less about the craptastic adventure I am going through right now.

I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

a new year

I don't usually make resolutions.  I fail at them.  Horribly.

I am trying to make more committments to myself this year however.   I am committed to becoming healthier.  I am committed to working out at minimum, 3 times a week.  I am committed to continuing to be a non-smoker, non-drinker, non-pepsi-drinker.  Okay, okay.  I miiight have a pepsi every now and again, but it won't become an everyday habit like it was.

I am committed to my children and ensuring their success in school.  I am committed into making sure Illeana gets her butt into gear to start a fall semester of college after she graduates high school.  I am committed to making sure that Gavin follows through with his committments to church and school.  And, I am committed to Kathryn, to help her through this teenage transition she has started. 

I am committed to finishing my book and submitting to publishers.  I am committed to forging new friends and never forgetting the old. 

This is a year of action.