Isn't it amazing when things fall into place?
I love when the road I am on doesn't have a surprise twist or turn that I do not like. Don't get me wrong, I am always up for some sort of an adventure, but when it comes to planning life or unplanning life, I would rather the twists and turns than the pot hole ruining my tires.
I've had my share of pot holes. And trust me, no one reaches into their own pocket to have them filled to ensure the smoothness of the road. I have had to change my tires and keep moving forward regardless of the roads conditions. Pull up my boot straps and swallow my pill...
...choke on the pill. But somehow, it goes down. Stays down. Well, of course, after I beat it into submission. Then it stays down.
It is 2 in the morning and I have so many ideas running through my head.
I am trying to find the right song. The right moment. The right scene to play out into my head so I can translate it onto the screen.
Moments that I alone can translate into written word. Words that can turn into moments for someone else.
That is a difficult ontaking. Indeed.
My biggest accomplishment will be knowing that one person can feel from the pages I have written. That they can see my characters in their minds eye. They can feel what is going on and for a moment, no matter how brief a moment it is, hold onto it. Just for a moment. A breath.
That would be a grand thing.